Don't you hate it,when at times you'd feel this wave of loneliness wash over you.
Leaving you wet with sorrow,and shivering with lost faith.
The warmth of friends,encompassing your shaking body,just don't seem to be complete.
What happens when at this point,hands reach out,all promising more.
Would you just take it or would you not?
I wished i could,for once just reach out and hold one of them.
But i know i could never,for the past haunts,ever so strongly.
Fears of dejavu,arises so rapidly,drowning faith
Careful of the hands,that will never hold on committedly.
Careful of the hands,a blade thats hidden.
Deluded by illusions,blinded by love,
I never saw through the false front you put on.
But because of you,i've became strong.
Because of you,i've learnt so much more.
I've learnt to see,and read characters better.
I've learnt,that i want something something special.
Maybe thats why,good things don't come easy.
God just wanted us to earn it,and want it badly.
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